Saturday, August 24, 2013

Resolution To Honor The Lummi Nation's Sacred Lands And Waters Of Cherry Point

WHEREAS The Whatcom County Democrats Central Committee affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of all people.

WHEREAS – We recognize the Lummi Nation as the descendants of one of several original First Nation communities inhabiting, for many, many generations, the land and waters of this area, now known as the Salish Sea; and

WHEREAS That the First Nations’ cultural tenets include the preserving, protecting and promoting their way of life and how that means protecting the land, waters, plant life, air and animals who share it and upon which they depend; and

WHEREAS – The First Nations’ right to reserve the use and protection of those lands, fresh water, the ocean nearby, and the natural products and resources which may be derived from those places is a right that is guaranteed by conscience, treaty and law; and

WHEREAS – We recognize how vulnerable these gifts of natural resources are and how easily they can become exploited, severely harmed and depleted by forces who do not share First Nations’ worldview; and

WHEREAS – That urban and industrial occupation and use of those historical lands and waters, will destroy the natural remains of those tribal histories, and cause unrecoverable losses; and

WHEREAS – We further recognize the Lummi Nation know the lands and waters of Xwe’chi’eXen (known to us as Cherry Point) to be sacred lands and waters associated with their Creation Story, known to them as “the home of the ancient ones,” are the ancestral burial grounds for their People and they have a promise and duty to protect and preserve these sacred spaces; and

WHEREAS – The Lummi Nation have a history of opposing development of their cultural, historic and spiritual lands and waters, known to them as Xwe’chi’eXen, Cherry Point.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Whatcom County Democrats Central Committee, pledges its support to the Lummi Nation in protecting their sacred lands and water.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT We propose and support the rejection of all industrial, commercial and residential uses of the remaining natural lands and waters on and adjacent to Cherry Point; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT – We will encourage members to request that the current legislative bodies with jurisdiction over all industrial, commercial and residential uses of the remaining natural lands on or adjacent to Cherry Point, rule that such uses are not and shall not be permitted; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT We will encourage members to request that the current legislative bodies with jurisdiction over all industrial, commercial and residential uses of the remaining and connecting waters near Cherry Point, including the rivers and creeks, the nearshore and the offshore waters, rule that such uses are not and shall not be permitted, except for the use of potable water for consumption by the people, on and near such waters, so long as such use does not harm or threaten the existing natural community’s reliance on the same resources; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT We will actively encourage our membership to engage in activities and events, supported by the Lummi Nation, that could prevent or assist in deterring significant damage to these sacred lands and waters on and adjacent to Cherry Point; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT We will actively encourage our membership to engage in activities and events, supported by the Lummi Nation, that will work to educate the surrounding community as to the importance of preserving and restoring the lands and waters on and adjacent to Cherry Point.

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