Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wake Up, Conservatives In Whatcom County. Your Draft Number Is Up.

375 years ago, did the framers of American town hall democracy envision the election stew that ferments each fall in this land and culture we have inherited?

The dumplings on top of the pot are the main Whatcom County candidates, clapping each other on the back as they try out one liners and cagily frame their image. Boiling in the middle are campaign managers, political party operatives, activists and reporters. A thicker layer of businesses, educators and public officials ooze money and/or endorsements up to the top, and gummed at the bottom are the rest of the community, watching, wondering, dozing it out.

The town hall governance model assumes public ownership of elections and legislation. Norman Rockwell era artwork depicted a world where every citizen counted, adding his or her unique contribution to community and public life. As recently as the Reagan years, partisan leaders mended fences after the election wars and made budgets in a timely manner. In 2013, American politics is endless war or total apathy.

Today, total polarization and political face biting are the norm. In this non-partisan election year, local Democrat and Republican parties have totally exclusive slates. No cross over. No captives taken. Sophisticated tactical moves are planned months in advance, timed precisely to tip fewer and fewer voters as ballots are filled in. In spite of all the election drama, a minority of citizens vote. Will you vote? Are you registered to vote? A non-voting protest statement is freedom suicide.

What is the peril? Basically, local government is slipping into the hands of unelected neighborhood activists and appointed government bureaucrats, some of whom receive large grants and donations to further the objectives of outside agencies and stake holders who work to crush conservative American values. Elected officials serve their term, largely held hostage by or working hand in glove with these unelected lobbyists.

Is a local candidate a senior progressive operative, fronting as an open minded candidate? Or have they just sold themselves to the most powerful stakeholders, large donors and GOTV supporters? $93,000 from Seattle based Washington Conservation Voters is not chump change for a local election, buying dozens of canvassers. By the way, who are the big donors at WCV? Are the canvassers local or bussed in, like in Ken Mann’s last election?

When conservative research redlines critical free market suppression plans and property rights takings, when watchdogs list strategic attacks on key community institutions such as family and faith groups, progressives feign innocence or slash savagely, and conservatives seek an embarrassed, accommodating peace. The voices crying in the wilderness are easily shut off.

Why get involved? What good will it do? Your working family has so much to do just to survive. And, if you’re a conservative non-compliant, or the Ron Paul type that cares only about federal fiscal policy, Sherwood Forest (the hills of Idaho??) looks like a mighty fine place to hang out until King John and his IRS/Obamacare taxmen die of natural causes.

“Okay, I’ll send a few bucks,” you say. “I can check the election night results during the half time of the football game. The Seahawks are on a roll, you know!” Well, then, send more than a few bucks! Every penny helps.

May I suggest something else? It is called co presence. Have you ever attended a county or city council or school board working meeting? A planning commission meeting? What are the back stories that don’t get reported in the local media? Can you enumerate your freedoms that are slipping away month by month? Are you aware of local conservative activist groups that are fighting your battles against a host of avante garde progressive change operatives? Could you strengthen the conservative hand?

There is no peace here. No post election off season. When you research the goals and methods of progressive socialists, (see suggested titles below) you realize that behind the happy face of baseball and apple pie is a cultural, nationwide, take no prisoners 100 year war. Local conservative elected officials need more help than just donations. By the way, note the liberal media smear campaigns around many of the following authors. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Rules for Radicals – Saul Alinsky
Radical Son and Destructive Generation – David Horowitz, Peter Collier
American Betrayal – Diana West
            The Brotherhood – Eric Stakelbeck
Spreading the Wealth – Stanley Kurtz
Behind the Green Mask – Rosa Koire
DeWeese Report – American Policy Center
Bullies – Ben Shapiro
Confrontational Politics – H.L. Richardson
How To Counter Group Manipulation Tactics – Beverly Eakman
Agenda, the Video – Curtis Bower
The Professors – David Horowitz
Expelled, the Video – Ben Stein

Do you know the key arguments for or against job creation by the GPT bulk shipping terminal? Do you understand the GPT screening process that is being so savagely rip sawed these months? Whatcom Tea Party has a debate forum this next Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 5:30 at the BIAW building in Bellingham. Take an evening and hear Craig Cole (GPT) and Terry Wechsler (Protect Whatcom/No Coal) square off. Get involved! Come out! Just show up!

Do you care about what jobs your children can choose from when they step into the work force? Will there be jobs for them? Resource based jobs, a traditional mainstay of Whatcom County are being dried off, bit by bit by environmentalist and neo-socialist agencies. Wake up, Whatcom County! Look past the election off season faux civility of these groups and their green save the planet front to their plans for “government” to restructure every aspect of your life.

Enough of the Jeremiad. See you next Wednesday at the GPT debate.  JK.

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