Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dead Men on Furlough

Today is Thanksgiving. Many years ago, a small group of adventurers and fugitives celebrated a summer of life. Today, their descendants and the host of others who came to the “land of promise” remember them. And, today, we, their descendants, have largely lost the worldview of being “dead men on furlough”.

Fact: 17th century English kings and queens put religious dissenters in prison and confiscated their goods.
Fact: 17th century Dutch capitalist ports were roughly hospitable to the fleeing English dissenters.
Fact: 17th century European sea captains sold native American Indians on European slave blocks.
Fact: 17th century Catholic church clerics bought the freedom of some of these Indians.
Fact: Patuxet tribal son Squanto made the laborious journey back to the his New England tribal home.
Fact: an unknown disease had wiped out Squanto’s immediate family.
Fact: 17th century English religious dissenters landed in early winter at the exact spot of the tribal plague.
Fact: the English dissenters ran out of food and many died, adding to the local death toll.
Fact: Squanto spoke English when he walked into the camp of the “Pilgrims”.
Fact: Squanto “adopted” the Pilgrims and showed them foods that helped them survive their famine.
Fact: Squanto and other native Indians joined the Pilgrims in an extended party after the next fall’s harvest.
Fact: Our American thanksgiving festival has these roots.

Fact: 21st century American “kings and queens” are building new prisons for their own people, enacting and carrying out policies which drove Englishmen to emigrate and institute American religious freedoms over 400 years ago.
Fact: A new world order is being offered, and the captains of America wage a calculated Marxist dialectic war to align Americans with that future.
Fact: You and I will choose to either return to European socialism and its new “kings”, or to stay the path to a different paradise.

Fact: America has Christian ideals undeniably rooted in the world’s best seller, the Judeo Christian Bible.
Fact: a strategic war has been incrementally waged over the past 200 years to erase that heritage from the American mind.
Fact: the American government power base has shifted from the traditional Christian majority to a minority of atheists, pantheists and Muslim sympathizers, with the desire, means and momentum to attempt to destroy the Christian worldview.

Fact: God is a spirit, and operates outside the realm of human power, controlling events for his ultimate purposes. His transcendent eyes first purge those who claim his name, then destroy those who attack his name.

Fact: Christian peacemakers are called the sons of God. Christian peacemakers upset plans of worldly power brokers who benefit from dialectical wars (aka progressive public:private NGO grant streams).

Fact: Angry power brokers persecute straight forward peacemakers. It would be a “Progressive” disaster if local tribal groups were bypass them and find water usage solutions by dealing directly with local farmers.

Fact: Peacemakers who stay the course have a salty, healthy impact on culture. Peacemakers who hold tightly to their own little earthly stores become saltless castaways.

Fact: After salt cleanses social wounds, light shines and a Godly power ethic is renewed.

Fact: European and Asian Christians during the rise and fall of Nazi, Ninja, and Communist regimes model the path forward for American Christians facing parallel progressive ideologies today. Note the transfer of values between the parents and their famous children.

Peter Vins: martyred pastor and father of Ukrainian Christian dissident and pastor Georgi Vins. Georgi Vins was the leader of the group of Ukranian families who went underground with a church where children were allowed to attend, be trained and participate fully (contrary to the dictums of the Communist Red Scarf youth movement). Exiled to America, Georgi Vins recruited American Christians to pray for and write letters to Ukranian pastors in Russian political prisons. This outsider support model is also used today to encourage the explosively growing Christian church under the fanatical Muslim regime in Iran.

Caspar ten Boom: father of Dutch underground member Corrie ten Boom. This family provided safe haven to Jews who were fleeing capture and trains headed for Nazi extermination camps. Supported by her faith and a smuggled Bible, Corrie forgave the traitorous Dutch Nazi informer who landed her in a Nazi concentration camp. Corrie created a circle of hope in the filth infested Ravensbruck women's barracks. She survived. Her sister Betsy did not.

Karl and Klara Bonhoeffer: privileged parents of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who in the years leading up to the first world war, created a home where music and laughter were shared with hosts of visitors, and the family intellects were whetted to a razor sharp edge of observation and critical thinking. Pacifist son Dietrich entered the Lutheran ministry, encountered a life changing Black American church in New York, causing him to spurn the Riverside Cathedral theology of American liberal Harry Emerson Fosdick. Returning to Germany during the rise of the Nazi regime, Dietrich stood alone when German clergy replaced the cross of Christ with the swastika of Hitler, ultimately being executed for his associations with a group that tried to assassinate Hitler. His writings endure and encourage many today.

Esther Ahn Kim: largely unknown to English speaking people, the Esther (Ahn E Sook was her Korean name) drank deeply of the Bible, refused to present worship to the flag of the Rising Sun, and became a beacon of hope to both her Korean fellow prisoners and her desperately unhappy Japanese jailors. Her spirit remained unbroken when many around her were crushed systematically in a struggle much larger than that between Japan and Korea.

Most notable fact: It was the second generation that was the salt during the time of war, testing and disaster. If you want to validate an ideology, look at the fruit in the lives of the children of its champions.

Again, the question is, “Do Whatcom County Christian “rural greens” have the moxie to pass their values to the children who will survive our 21st  century momentary progressive environmental madness? How far does our vision of peace see? This is something to think about and plan for. This is the obligation of Thanksgiving.  -- JK

NW Washington is a great place to do anything—if it is permit-ted; WSDA and Snohomish Conservation District pressure Old Silvana Creamery over de-grandfather-ed organic manure fertilizer lagoon’s de-permit-ted POTENTIAL to pollute.

Herald water rights article omits Mann and Weimer vote to support Futurewise/ReSources and abandon non-Bellingham Whatcom County well and property owners; to kill legal action against the Growth Management Hearings Board over their extreme anti rural wells ruling.

Local “farmer” and“tactic proxies” Nicole Brown (and friends) showcase environmentalist “war games” skills; file lawsuit enabling Growth Management Hearings Board to beat down non Bellingham grow local, buy local county resolution and related beef farmers.

Behold the “anti farmer” staff and boards of local “anti farmer” agencies. Yes, this is the same Lee First who has renewed grant funding to keep visiting central Whatcom County farms to “discover” POTENTIAL to pollute and be sued. Study and remember these well funded and strategically organized armies of environmental hardline “Whatcom based and King County directed agitators”.

Official profiles of Christine Gregoire appointed Growth Management Hearings Board members.  Note extensive environmentalist credentials of most board members. Note Bellingham resident William Roehl, husband of Bellingham mayor Kelli Linville. Any conflict of interest here? Note ideological kinship with environmentalists of Futurewise/ReSources. Note legal “tag team boxing” potential against Whatcom farmers and rural private property rights advocates.

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