Saturday, November 9, 2013

Questions For School Board Trustee Candidates

1. Who is ___________ ?  What is/was your career? Why would you serve as a school board trustee?

2. What do you see as the role of the board of directors for a school? Does that role include pursuing changes in school operations or service levels?

3. What is the current on-time graduation rate for your disctrict? What causes your student dropouts?

4. Would you support a district policy to hold back students who are unable to read at the minimum proficiency level by the end of the third grade?

5. What priorities do you as a trustee bring to guide you in selecting or approving curriculum for your school district?

6. Should teachers be required to do data entry on all students as is currently slated with Common Core State Standards (CSSS)?

7. Do you view skill centers, the Running Start program, alternative learning programs, on-line options and charter schools as enhancing or detracting from public education?

8. How can families be engaged to own and improve their child’s education?

9. Do you agree with certain Common Core documents that say that prioritizing math accuracy is a hindrance in educating good citizens?

10. In view of the lagging 2011-12 test scores in the Bellingham International Baccalaureate Schools, do you think the IB program should be expanded to others schools or districts?

11. Do you support vouchers for school choice?

12. In 2013, the state legislature discussed giving school administrators the power to counter union restrictions on teaching assignments? Would you support a change in the next collective bargaining agreement to implement performance based standards at the local level?

13. Would you oppose your district applying to create a charter school?

14. Do you think Washington State should follow the example of Tennesse, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Florida and North Carolina in adopting performace based pay systems for teachers?

15. Do you think that teacher pay is adequate? What is the salary/benefit package for a new teacher in your district compared to the average teacher in your district? Should capital infrastructure, school support services, or state testing programs continue to get such a large portion of education funding?

16. To what extent should local levy funds be used to enhance the wages and benefits of school employee positions funded by the state?

17. How would you maintain a quality school meals program in the face of the variable quality of the approved food suppliers on the supplier lists mandated by the federally funded school food program guidelines?

18. What are three accomplishments that you would brag about in the schools in your district?

19. Based on your past experience as a trustee, or your concerns as a new trustee candidate, what would be your top issue for this next year or term?

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