Monday, November 25, 2013

Incremental Stealth Social Change - Slow Cooking Ourselves

Incremental Stealth Social Change Model In Health Care
The Justice Department’s assertion, based on the administration’s internal analyses, conveys that by the third year of Obamacare’s implementation — “the end of 2013,” which has since been extended by a year due to Obama’s “waiver” of the employer mandate — more than half of those 156 million group policies will have lost their “grandfather status.” “Grandfathering” is the mirage Obama projected for his illusory “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” guarantee. Read more here.

Incremental Stealth Social Change In Limiting Whatcom Rural Residency Patterns
At a Nov. 18 Monday morning work session, Bellingham City Council members Jack Weiss and Michael Lilliquist were adamant that the GMA does not require Bellingham to choose population or employment projections that are “likely,” and to accommodate those.  They insisted they are free to choose any projection they want (within the Office of Financial Management’s recommended range), in an effort to influence how much growth the city gets.  They might think the city will grow, for instance, but make a policy decision to pick a lower projection in an effort to discourage growth. It turns out the sticking point may be something else entirely, however. Read more here.

Incremental Stealth Social Change Skews Skagit County Homeowner Water Rights
Seven landowners in the Skagit River’s Carpenter-Fisher sub-basin have reached a settlement with the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and the state Department of Ecology that will allow them to get water to their properties. Landowners in the Sun Peak Estates subdivision, located about one mile south of the Skagit County line and east of Interstate 5, will each be able to use 350 gallons of water per day for indoor use, primarily because their wells reach deep enough to tap into an aquifer that partly feeds the Stillaguamish River.  Read more here.

Incremental Stealth Social Change To Lock Up The Nooksack River And Its Roads
Move over Whatcom County Parks there is a new game in town! A few weeks back I received this email invitation to attend a planning meeting for the Upper Nooksack River Recreation Area.  Of course I had to stop in to find out what was going on!  I found out that two things are going on simultaneously.  One, a group called "Hydropower Reform Coalition" is hoping to get portions of the Nooksack listed as a "Wild and Scenic River".  Second, this same group along with the group "American Rivers" are working on a recreation plan for the area. Read more here.

Incremental Stealth Social Change: The Evil Genius Of Sustainable Development
On July 23, 2004, I addressed the fifth annual Freedom 21 Conference in Reno, Nevada. Freedom 21 was the first coalition of limited government/private property advocacy groups. Freedom 21 eventually sponsored 10 national conferences and educated and trained a cadre of leaders to fight Agenda 21. But in 2004, George Bush was in the White House two years after the devastation to individual liberty, free enterprise and private property that defined the Clinton Presidency. Yet, pre-TEA Party, so many Americans failed to understand the threat they faced. The movement was divided into fractured issues. Even the major Conservative organizations refused to mention Agenda 21 (some still do). - See more at:
On July 23, 2004, I addressed the fifth annual Freedom 21 Conference in Reno, Nevada. Freedom 21 was the first coalition of limited government/private property advocacy groups. Freedom 21 eventually sponsored 10 national conferences and educated and trained a cadre of leaders to fight Agenda 21. But in 2004, George Bush was in the White House two years after the devastation to individual liberty, free enterprise and private property that defined the Clinton Presidency. Yet, pre-TEA Party, so many Americans failed to understand the threat they faced. The movement was divided into fractured issues. Even the major Conservative organizations refused to mention Agenda 21 (some still do). Read more here.
On July 23, 2004, I addressed the fifth annual Freedom 21 Conference in Reno, Nevada. Freedom 21 was the first coalition of limited government/private property advocacy groups. Freedom 21 eventually sponsored 10 national conferences and educated and trained a cadre of leaders to fight Agenda 21. But in 2004, George Bush was in the White House two years after the devastation to individual liberty, free enterprise and private property that defined the Clinton Presidency. Yet, pre-TEA Party, so many Americans failed to understand the threat they faced. The movement was divided into fractured issues. Even the major Conservative organizations refused to mention Agenda 21 (some still do). - See more at:
On July 23, 2004, I addressed the fifth annual Freedom 21 Conference in Reno, Nevada. Freedom 21 was the first coalition of limited government/private property advocacy groups. Freedom 21 eventually sponsored 10 national conferences and educated and trained a cadre of leaders to fight Agenda 21. But in 2004, George Bush was in the White House two years after the devastation to individual liberty, free enterprise and private property that defined the Clinton Presidency. Yet, pre-TEA Party, so many Americans failed to understand the threat they faced. The movement was divided into fractured issues. Even the major Conservative organizations refused to mention Agenda 21 (some still do). - See more at:

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