Saturday, September 7, 2013

San Juans & Green Communitarianism

How PROTECTION kills community and opportunity

What if there were an organization that wanted to take over a community and direct public resources towards its own aims? What if that organization seized upon a popular and credible cover issue, like an environmental cause, that protected it from serious scrutiny or even promoted widespread support? What if they got funding from mostly out-of-area wealthy donors, foundations, and grants? What if they turned on vulnerable members of the general public (the 99%), dividing and conquering with quiet but aggressive bullying tactics, but were still able to get good press all the time? Read more here.

Connecting the Three Communitarian Dots

Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers. Read more here.

2020 Our Common Destiny & The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto

2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto explores the history, philosophy, and modern-day implementation of Sustainable Development, Communitarian Law, and Community Policing.

Part-autobiography, part-thesis, and part-guidebook to International Law, this 327-page book introduces Community Law with a mix of personal experiences, field research, and direct quotes from American presidents and international heads of state, domestic and foreign courts, officials, ecclesiastics, gurus, agencies, think tanks, universities and law schools, foundations, conferences, scientific reports, newspapers, and academic journals. Read more here.

Communitarianism In Medical Approvals

Communitarianism refers to a theoretical perspective that seeks to lessen the focus on individual rights and increase the focus on communal responsibilities. The definition of community varies and can refer to anything from the nuclear or extended family to the political state or nation. In this approach, ethical thought is grounded in communal values, established social standards and traditions, and considerations of the larger society. Communitarians emphasize the influence of society on individuals and contend that values are rooted in common history and tradition (Beauchamp and Childress 2001).  Read more here.

Communitarianism In Education: Common Core Kills Math; Snookered Republicans Lose; 5/12/13

Indiana has become the first state to retreat from the Common Core standards, as Governor Mike Pence has just signed a bill suspending their implementation.

A great deal has been written and spoken about Common Core, but it is worth rehearsing the outlines again. Common Core is a set of math and English standards developed largely with Gates Foundation money and pushed by the Obama administration and the National Governors Association. The standards define what every schoolchild should learn each year, from first grade through twelfth, and the package includes teacher evaluations tied to federally funded tests designed to ensure that schools teach to Common Core. Read more here.

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