Monday, September 30, 2013

Warning. Voter Candy. Watch Out For Razor Blades.

This is a thought piece. Connecting the dots. Or maybe just seeing them.

How much could food cost in years ahead?
How many people can a non-industrialized farm worker feed?
How many people could a hunter/gatherer feed?
How many college students will dirty their hands for one year in a market garden business?
How many days will Bellingham have food if the food transport system breaks down?
What is the food shortage record of Marxist economies? Could hunger games happen here?

How much does college cost?
How long should college loans take to pay back?
How much grant money should one student get?
How much should a college professor earn?
If the business tax base is destroyed, who will pay the college professor?
How adequate are teacher pensions in Marxist countries?

What is the final cost of a “free love”, “hookup” lifestyle?
What is the value of a young Marxist guerilla’s life?
What is the value of a Latino campesino’s life?
What is the value of a right wing militiaman’s life?
What is the value of a drug runner’s life?
Why do Marxist rulers build fences to control citizen movements? How many millions of citizens have Marxist rulers murdered for the sake of remaking a nation “as it should be”?

Last week, Whatcom Wins (Whatcom Democrats) handed out a recommended voting slate to college students. Apart from inferred promises that it cannot guarantee, (so and so will kill the “Coal” Terminal), and from perverting justice (Ken Mann and Carl Weimer cannot legally address the “Coal” Terminal issue, but their proxies boldly do so), is the “Coal” Terminal contest the real issue?

Are college age voters being manipulated as “tactic proxies” by Whatcom Wins? (See chapter 9, “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky). Do progressive community organizers really care about the welfare of local tribal groups? Global warming? Marine life? Or do they seek to destroy something else?

Sky diving can be extremely pleasureable. Free fall is fun—until you hit the ground. To quote the comic, “If at first you don’t succeed, don’t try skydiving”. College is often a skydive, paid for by others, puffed along by activist professors. A decade or two after college is when the cheap gin wears off and the hangover bites hard. Read “Destructive Generation” by David Horowitz, an architect of the Vietnam / Black Panther protest media, and ultimately an arch traitor of the American progressive / Marxist movement.

Karl Marx went through high school with pocket spending money that was double what a family man of his era normally earned. Does this sound like “grant money”? He called Russians and Slavs “scum”. Karl Marx was described by contemporaries as a young man consumed with destruction. He was a nihilist. He was not even a socialist to start with. That came from Moses Hess, a later mentor.

Karl Marx hated God. He was not an athiest. His writings trumpet rebellion against God, a desire to destroy religion and supercede God. Richard Wurmbrand, religious prisoner for fourteen years in Ceauciescu’s Marxist gulag, after being exiled from Romania, published his primary research on Marx. Marx was without argument a brilliant, self described anarchist, whose poetry, letters and testimonials showed his prime delight was destruction of people and goods. He positively identified with occultic, Luciferian ideas and loyalties.

Saul Alinsky, the father of the modern Marxist / progressive movement, mentor of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, author of Rules for Radicals, dedicated his first editions to “Lucifer, the first rebel”. This is not the odor of atheism, but rather of black Sabbath delight. Why do Marxists destroy churches in Colombia and North Korea? Is there a back story here? Yes.

What did Jahweh, the Creator command man? To “replenish the earth and subdue it” (not destroy it, like the Marxist Chinese industrial complex), and to “be fruitful and multiply.” What better rebellion could the Marxist movement further today than to depopulate the planet, to indoctrinate a remnant that a hunter / gatherer culture is inviolably the height of social equity? (Or to set up a ruling elite who feeds on the masses like the former leaders of the USSR—see Dostoyevksi’s Complete Works, vol 12, p.194: Catechism of the Revolutionists by Netchaiev)  Who needs or wants a God looking over his shoulder? What do many young men do after fulfilling the primal desire to “hook up”? They walk away and laugh, setting the young woman out like a trash can, demanding that she follow through and destroy any new life they procreated.

Frankly, can any elected official guarantee a perfect result at Cherry Point, however that is defined? What if the Obama government decides that coal via Cherry Point would pay off some IOU’s to China. Herring bed preservation and global warming talk will go out the window faster than spit.

My advice to (college) voters? Challenge the happy Marxist apologists. Identify the  bitter Marxist fruits. Question the salaries of the tenured Marxist professors. Question the career/retirement ambitions of the Marxist community organizers. A country without fences is most easily subverted by diligent Marxist operatives. A country subverted by Marxist operatives cannot continue without Berlinesque walls. Consider the violent deaths of 25 of the 29 historic members/candidates of the 1917 Soviet Central Committee—mostly at the hand of their two leaders, Lenin and Stalin.

There is more to this election than a “coal” terminal. This is a choice of politicians who will favor worker freedom and free market equal opportunities, or will favor monopolies and grossly regulated equal outcomes, and ultimately, gulags. Don’t be a sucker for Whatcom Wins voter candy. Look for the Marxist razor blades. Connect the dots.



  1. Is Marxism still a thing? When I went to WWU, all the students and professors I met were pretty strident capitalists - they agreed that Marxism had been tossed to the wastebin of history. Now that I think about it, the only people I ever hear talking about Marxism are conservatives. Weird.

  2. I also attended Western and minored in economics and there was not a single Marxist professor on campus that I was aware of. All my economic professors were even farther right of what Riley says -- they were hands down libertarians.

  3. Thank you for the candid comments. Huxley College hosted an afternoon community seminar on the future of agriculture a year ago, Nov 30, 2012, which I attended. Co leading a session on “The Future of Food” was Jim Ashby, then the general manager of the Bellingham Food Coop. In the intimate setting with about 40 students and guests, Mr Ashby, talking about his motivations and worldview as related to starting and growing the Food Coop, declared “I am really a Marxist at heart.” When challenged over how the Coop handles its year end “profits”, he proudly declared they were shared back with the Coop Members. He went on to emphasize that one of his goals was to “beat the capitalists at their own game.” What that meant was left up to our imaginations. The point—openly declared, self identified, “Marxist” sympathizers lecture at Western/Huxley.

    As for “libertarian” profs, I would suggest reading the following analysis of leftist fig leafs in America.


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